Our Blog
Welcome to the Open Wings Life and Work skills Centre CIC Blog. Here we always try to post blogs, updates, articles and news revolving around interesting topics hoping to learn something new!
Being confident
Our workshop at Rumbletums last week provided us with some ideas about what confidence means to adults with learning disabilities. Being happy Walking big Using hands to communicate Body language Smiling Having friends Feeling important Looking at people Not...
Is Insomnia Good for Business?
Is insomnia good for business? So here I am really late, unable to sleep as I feel too excited about the year ahead. All these plans are buzzing through my brain and I can't wait to tell my sister, my business partner, tomorrow. We need to establish them all as...
New Website!
So the end of the year is upon us and it's a time to reflect on what has been achieved and what a more appropriate way of doing just that by redesigning our website. We are very proud and excited to announce we have upgraded from just a landing page of information to...
What makes you happy?
What makes you happy? This is the question I based a learning session around for our health4life course today. Of course there were the standard things that people usually say: money, food, friends etc but all of the attendees wrote a comment or expressed their...
What if
Dreams can come true Ok so every day I get a little tiny bit closer I also get a little bit more scared. I start hearing all those tiny voices of self doubt inside my head' can I really do this, have I got enough experience. Do I know enough? What if it doesn't...