It has been some time since we released a blog post. There are various reasons for this, the main one being that we are so busy running our service giving all we possibly can give to our citizens to make sure that they have the support they need from us, that unfortunately, there isn’t too much time for things like blogs! We work in small intense groups and also sometimes on a one to one basis. This can be quite demanding. Structuring sessions around individual needs and interests to make learning more fun. We are always thinking of ideas and our brains never really stop. Therefore at Christmas we take the time out we need to recoup our energy so that we can give more year on year.
This year there have been some personal circumstances which we have also had to navigate and whereas some would not forge ahead, we have remained committed and ensured our service runs smoothly for all those involved. Unfortunately even after breaking my nose and looking like Quasimodo, I still continued to work to ensure everyone in our service received the support they needed.
Sometimes support isn’t always academic sometimes this involves helping our citizens in their personal lives, helping them to source alternative accommodation, helping them to remember Dr and Dentist appointments and sometimes even helping them to get to A and E and remaining with them until their families were able to support them. Our commitment to our service cannot ever be under estimated. We give all we can.
The year ahead may see some changes we really want to forge ahead and increase the uptake at our service. We tailor make a package to suit the service user. It isn’t the right place for everyone but it will be for some. We also offer citizens the opportunity of work experience in their chosen field, so, If you know anyone with a learning disability or difficulty, please do tell them about us. Please ask them to get in touch so they can visit. We offer a free taster session too. Please share this blog via your social media links. Please help us to reach a widespread audience.
So here’s wishing you all a wonderful new year ahead. 2020 here we come, and hopefully there will be a little more blogging and social media highlights.
Open Wings wishes all the citizens attending our service and their families and carers all the best for the New Year.
Happy New Year
Anna and Maria